Friday, October 29, 2010

Can't See the Forest for the--Robot?

While waiting for Ian's parent teacher conference to begin yesterday evening, Nathan and I were admiring the artwork posted outside Ian's kindergarten classroom.

The assignment was simple:
1. Draw and color an autumn tree and its background.
2. Decorate tree with torn bits of colorful construction paper.

Imagine 24 beautiful trees, each one growing almost to the top of its sheet of 18 inch tall construction paper.

Only one student's project was completely unique. His tree was barely visible--a mere 3 inches tall and placed in the bottom corner. Oh, he'd followed the assignment instructions, but with a wonderfully creative twist: in the background, a HUGE four-legged robot was rising behind the tree, taking up the remaining 15 inches of paper. People were peeking out of the windows, black clouds of smoke were rising overhead, and maniacal villains were lurking beside the tree.

Nathan and I were delighted by Ian's lone robot in a forest of kindergarten trees.

Ian's right brained, crazy creative, fun, quirky-ness has followed him into kindergarten. And when I think of the emotions we endured at the start of this year! OH my soul. Kindergarten Open House, first quarter, and parent teacher conference are now behind us. He has excelled. Thank you, Jesus.

Open House photos (sorry I don't have any photos of the robot. YET.) . . .

He was so proud.

Grandma, Grandpa, Mum, Papa, Hoo-Hoo (great grandma), mom, dad and Lilly all attended.

Here you see Ian's hand on the right and his great-grandmother's hand on the left. Beautiful.

Lately, I feel I am just starting to learn who Ian really is. It's taken almost six years to really get him. But, I suppose even grown-ups still surprise their parents now and then. Think so, John and Ruth?


  1. Oh, that is so sweet! As a first grade teacher I always had a special place in my heart for those kids who let their unique little light shine. Robot pic please!

  2. The picture of the great grandma's hand and Ian's. Frame it. That got me. Traci Rhoades
