Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ian's kindergarten report so far--"awesome."

On day 1 he told me:
"Mom, if you have a bus sticker on your shirt, you ride home on the bus. If you have a smiley face sticker, you ride home with your pants."

On day 2 he chose a wife and crowned himself captain of the "good" boys.

Heaven knows what day 3 will bring.

How is your school year shaping up?


  1. Day 1: Went to the bathroom and came back to an empty classroom. Asked the right people with confidence and got back to her class (they had gone to an assembly).
    Day 2: Left part of lunch inside the desk and I'm hoping this isn't part of a science "project". But had a playdate with new friends on the bus.
    Day 3: Hoping for more friend making and lot 'o learn'n!

  2. Ride home with your pants = awesome.

    Our year? A Comedy of Errors......actually, that is the name of my recent blog post, explaining our disaster of a life right now!
