Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grandpa's Message

Tape frame: Kitschy Digitals
Chalk is temporary. This blog is forever. (haha)
Grandpa's message: documented.

Thanks for keeping all four grandkids tonight, mom and dad. They loved sidewalk chalk, playing Beatles Rock Band, and jumping on the trampoline.

Random things to remember from today:
1. Lilly officially jumped for the first time--both feet completely off the ground.
2. I gave up on my mission to grow Ian's hair long. He got quite the cut today. His stylist (sounds funny for a four year old, yeah?) said his hair is so thick, it grows out instead of down. Oh well. He's perfect, so, short hair must be perfect too, right?

Random recommendation:

Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD.
Buy it today.
Within 2 weeks, your child just may know all his letter sounds.
Thank you, Sara, for the mention of it on your blog this summer that led me straight to B&N to purchase it.

What random, memorable thing happened to YOU this week?


  1. Random this week...At Back to School Night I always have my parents fill out a blank piece of stationery for their student that reads "Someone Thinks You're Really Great". Parents then write a heartfelt message to their student on this stationery and leave it for me to distribute. I then put them out for the students on their desks in the morning when they walk in.

    Well I came in this morning to find that a former parent had filled one out for me. I had taught all 3 of her children at different times (they are all now in high school and college). But she stopped by the school and snuck one of my special pieces of stationery and surprised me by leaving it on my desk for ME! What a thrill. Made my day.

  2. The Talking Words Factory taught my girls to read. They learned there letter sounds early also from Leap Frog...we have the magnetic refrigerator letters. They knew the letter sounds from going OCD over that toy ;)

  3. priceless photo! isn't it funny how it's so pleasing to parents the day their kid jumps and gets 2 FEET OFF THE GROUND??? Soooo stinkin' cute!! I picture mine concentrating with all their might thinking "yeah, i'm gonna jumb real high" and they go like an inch high!!! lol! aaaah, thanks for reminding me of this memory rebekah! have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Ha! Nathan and I were so laughing over this. You are right--just one inch off the ground.

    Although, as I get older, I'm not sure I get much more air than that, either . . .

  5. Each week is random and memorable with a 7 month old! :-) I got a wonderful surprise gift that Cami already loves to play with!
    Thank you Williams family!
    Chris, Keli and Cambria Tetzlaff

  6. Karissa loves this LeapFrog DVD!! We should prob just own stock in LeapFrog ...
